July 14, 2006


These are two videos about a father-and-son team. Watch to believe that life is still worth living.

The story of Dick and Rick Hoyt

Today I pray for peace

Today I pray for world peace.

Not for the political leaders, not for the conflicting nations, but for the people. I pray for you.

When life is so short, how can you keep on fighting? When life can be so beautiful, how can you kill?

Pause in your footsteps today and think about your life. A better world can exist without the bloodshed, but it takes wisdom and dedication and heart full of compassion.

Instead of anger, choose peace. Instead of bitterness, choose forgiveness. That will be the beginning of a lifelong journey.

When you choose to embrace life, you will find that we are all in need of one another. An orphan is without his parents, whether he is Arab or Jew or Caucasian or Indian. A heart can still rejoice, whether it is in health or in sickness or in pain. It's only by friendship that races cross their respective boundaries, colors forget their labels, and classes begin to dissolve.

Be a friend today. Make this world a better place.

July 11, 2006


Here are some resources for planning purposes:

Japan Rail
Welcome to Taiwan
Travel Thailand and Make a Difference
Discover the Philippines
Uniquely Singapore

Picture: Phra Nang Beach. (Photographer: John Elk III) © Lonely Planet Images